SS 220 / SS 320 /Theo 317
2 Sm 9--20; 1 Kgs 1--2 (3 units)
Felipe Fruto Ll. Ramirez, SJ
This course deals with the stories regarding the succession to the throne of David. The students will be introduced to the art and techniques of biblical narrative. While not ignoring the historical development of the text, the focus of the study will be primarily on the final text. Translation and grammatical analysis of the Hebrew text of 2 Sm 9 – 20; 1 Kgs 1 – 2 as well as a research paper will be required for the course.
Course Bibliography: Selected articles from J.P. Fokkelmann, Narrative Art and Poetry in the book of Samuel (4 Vols; Assen: Van Gorcum, 1981); David Gunn, The Story of King David (JSOT Sup. Ser. 6; Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1989); Leonhard Rost, The Succession to the Throne of David (Sheffield: Almond Press, 1982).
Prerequisite: Hebrew I & II