Theo Lit
Timoteo Ofrasio, SJ
2Q only: F 10:35-11:50 am; 2:00-3:15 pm
This course is designed to prepare “candidates for ordination” (diaconate, presbyterate) to exercise their new ministerial roles at the Eucharist and in various sacramental celebrations. Starting from a consideration of the “qualities of a good preside”, it involves the students in a practical demonstration of this role by focusing on different parts of the Mass and the other rites. As the day of diaconate ordination draws near, attention is given to the deacon’s role at Mass and as preside at baptism, marriage and blessings. All LST candidates for ordination are required to take and pass an examination demonstrating their ability to preside at liturgy in a competent, pleasing and prayerful manner.