
Theo 263B
Romeo Intengan, SJ
TF 9:00-10:15 am

This course will systematically reflect, in the light of Christian faith, on a correct approach to addressing, in ethically appropriate ways, the specific problems in societal life, and on the concrete ethical guidelines and norms that arise from such an approach. It will integrate some of the main orientations and content of the social teaching of the Church.

The course will be presented in two parts: the first, fundamental Christian social ethics; and the second, concrete Christian social ethics.
Fundamental Christian ethics will consist of reflection upon the theoretical foundations of Christian social ethics. Among the main themes involved here are the correct methodology, the general categories, and the fundamental values of Christian social ethics, and a concrete theoretical and practical framework for mediating Christian social ethics for the present historical moment. The concrete mediating framework for Christian social ethics chosen in this course is the ethics of justice, peace, and the integrity of creation.

Concrete social ethics will study the moral questions and problems that Christians have to confront in the course of living their societal commitment. These questions and problems will be grouped into seven areas. The first area—of basic importance for the whole of concrete Christian ethics—is that of human rights. The second area is that of the basic unit of society—the family. The third, fourth, and fifth areas have to do with the three basic societal systems: the economy, culture, and politics. The sixth area is that of the natural environment. The seventh area is that of social conflict, social violence, and social change.